9/11 – Anyone notice

From eagl:

Just wondering if anyone “over there” noticed the anniversary. I suppose the Americans noticed, but what about non-Americans?

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One Response to “9/11 – Anyone notice”

  1. Robert Says:

    It was pretty quiet around here. Lots of flags flying at half staff. Apparently somebody “ran the gate” but nothing was closed long enough to indicate any action going on. The brakes probably failed. :)
    There was some kind of action down south a bit, a nice lil’ dust up for the record books, or at least for the places where those particular kinds of records are kept. Between direct fire and CAS they’re talking about 150 bad Hajjis, bad no more. Then they fucked some of the SF guys out of a 4 day pass in a neighboring Stan. The irony…anyway, I don’t know if that was related, kinda doubt it. Just the standard cyclical heating up.

    I wandered around Thursday, all contemplative like. Some of it was on a wider scale — if someone told you Sept 10, 2001 that certain things were going to happen, could you concieve it? Some was more self absorbed. I never expected that day that I’d end up divorced and across the world in a Central Asian desert. 3 highly improbable actions leading to a different life. And the life you left behind has led to lives I’d have never known… My how the world changes on you. Of course it’s amazingly self centered to think you don’t change a lot too, but it’s harder to notice if you aren’t looking for it. Two years ago I was merrily in debt. It did not bother me, because it was affordable, and I considered it an investment in our home. 6 months later it was a crushing weight hanging over my head, slowly being pecked away at while I fantasized of the day I might not be a “living with your parents” loser anymore…a year or more down the line. I’d still be stuck with a lot of debt but it’d be manageable. Come early December, I will be completely debt free, with IRAs for two tax years and a lil’ chunk sitting in savings. I’m glad I had the chance to come here, it has really changed my life and my outlook. I’ve seen things and known people that have really opened my eyes. I don’t think I ever had them closed, but I see things much more differently now. I’m a little unclear on the future, but I’m not at all worried about it. I’ve been thinking about some sort of change that gets me out of the camp life into something more civilized, but it all depends on the $$ and what’s out there. I guess the $$ is less important when I am debt free. I don’t so much mind the conditions here, but the total lack of freedom to get off base gets old. Hell, if we could go out 1 day a week or something harmless like that it’d make a huge difference.

    I am no longer sure if there was a point to that, so I’ll shut up now.

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