Today, as Day of the Ninja, is your opportunity to experience a day full of ninjocity. It’s too bad we couldn’t have still been in Japan on this day, but them’s the breaks I guess. While I don’t expect to see too many men in black running around here, you can participate to the fullest extent of your nonja (non-ninja) ability by taking a look at the below links:

From Day of the
Check out these Day of the Ninja Links:
The Big Four
- Official page – This is the page to send all your nonja-friends to so they can learn how to be ninja (for a day).
- Day of the Ninja store – Purchase official Day of the Ninja merchandise.
- Ask a Ninja event planning wiki – Use this page to plan events and, later, to post photos of those events.
- Ask a Ninja vlog – Learn about the true origin of the Day of the Ninja.
Step 1: Become a ninja:
How to make a ninja mask out of a t-shirt
How to make a paper shuriken
Check out ninja websites
Buy an Ask a Ninja DVD
Buy Ninja Burger stuff
Step 2: Take the Ninja Quiz:
I heartily recommend subscribing to the feed over at Ask A Ninja. Every week or two they come out with another Ask A Ninja video and they are very entertaining and done with a lot of style and creativity.
Don’t let the Pirates have all the fun!
We just got back from Japan and I saw a ninja! He was trying to be clever and be a secret ninja, but as he turned away I caught him!

Now, on the other hand, later in Himeji we’d see a few more obvious ninjas. It was a terrible shame we couldn’t catch them on video sneak-walking through the crosswalk, that was awesome!

These guys really made my day. I look forward to killing them soon!
(except they’re in Japan and I am not anymore, so they’re safe for now.)
(as far as THEY know, that is…)