Archive for May, 2008

Uzbekistan Gallery Uploaded

Wednesday, May 21st, 2008

Well, it only took 6 weeks this time, but the 2008 03 Uzbekistan Gallery has been uploaded.

We flew into Tashkent and took the train down to Karshi the next day to hang out with family.

The next day we ambled up to Navoi to see Malika’s (Guli’s youngest sister) family and their place.

Email Subscription Information

Thursday, May 1st, 2008

For anyone who has not yet updated their email subscription, please look directly to the right of this line—->

Type in your email address under “Subscribe Via Email” and hit the “Subscribe” button.  I will turn off the old method in the next couple of days.  If this page has shifted down, look at the top right column, it will be there. 😉

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