US – Costa Rica Galleries Uploaded Part I

Wednesday, August 27th, 2008

In a shocking display of speed and concentration, I have uploaded the pictures from our recent trip to the US and Costa Rica in less than a month after we got back.  I believe it was actually 28 days, even!

We went and hung out in Denver.  I didn’t take too many pictures but we did go to the aquarium with Hunter and Lois.  Curved glass tends to yield criznappy shots, though, so a lot didn’t make the cut.

Hunter and Guli at the aquarium

Hunter and Guli at the aquarium

We went to Costa Rica for 10 days during this time.  We flew into Alajuela / San Jose and drove up to the Arenal Volcano area and did some hiking and adventuring over there.  I liked the canyoning, where we went rappelling and hiking through watery canyons.  We got rained on a lot.  It was a nice change.

Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica

Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica


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