Recent Gallery Updates

Wednesday, August 8th, 2007

I have finally updated the Gallery with pictures from our June trip to the US and the July Mexico trip.

2007 06 USA Just a few really. Mainly at the river running through Golden, Colorado.

2007 07 Mexico Lots of good stuff in here. Dolphins, cats, other animals, Mayan ruins, underground caverns, jungle, the beach and sea…you name it. Unfortunately I didn’t have the underwater housing for my camera so there are no cave diving pictures, though there are a couple lower quality ones from a cave snorkeling trip.

Hola De Mexico!

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007

We are in Mexico right now. We had to leave the country before spending too many days in the USA, because then we would lose the “working and living outside the country” tax exclusion, which would cost many thousands of dollars in taxes.

So far, we have gone cave diving, skycycled over the jungle and through some caverns, swam with dolphins, paid entirely too much for the picture and DVD package of that, snorkelled (swam, really) through more underground caverns and rivers, seen jaguars, pumas, iguanas, birds of all colors, met some Turkish people who’d lived in Dubai, done some ziplining, rappelling (a short one, to be sure), visited Mayan ruins by the sea,…well, it’s been a fun trip.

Interestingly enough, this is our first actual vacation in the Western Hemisphere. I don’t really count the 2 previous trips to the USA as they were more like visiting home than doing anything new or unusual. Though I guess you could say visiting home has become unusual.:lol:

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