Posts Imported

Sunday, February 11th, 2007

I’ve got a large chunk of the posts from the old site imported finally. It takes a while, particularly as I had to re-link all the images and cut/paste the original comments in. It was interesting to read and remember what was going on then living in the camps in Uzbekistan and Iraq. The format is certainly much easier to read and it’s easier to navigate, since you can look by category (primarily Iraq, Uzbekistan, and Camp Life) or by timeframe. See the sidebar along the right, going down towards the bottom. Note that posts can be in multiple categories — for example Camp Life covers most of the stuff from living on base, and will have another category for location as well, that sort of thing.

The remaining items at the old site are primarily Trip Reports, which have their own sort of hierarchy here and will be moved over as time, energy, and interest permits. Basically, all the work and less of the play is here right now. 😉

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